Friday, April 30, 2010

Wormies and Worries

Last night, my mommy ate a bowl of very expensive wormy plants because my aunties say that they cure cancer. Where's the evidence for these folk remedies and what if they interfere with the chemo drugs? So many friends and family members are calling in saying "I heard ________ cured my sister in law's friend's husband of _________ cancer," and my momma has limited her diet to organic chicken, vegetables, and strange plants and bugs. Not enough nutrition, no no no! Silly mother won't listen to me or the knowledgable doctors but she will listen to the chatty old ladies she walks in the park with. Please pray for good judgment and appropriate nutrition choices.

The appointment with the radiologist went well, I think. Dr. Grounsaville, a very nice man, decided that my mother will not be undergoing radiation for now because she is in such good health at this point. He explained that radiation to her hips and especially her lungs may cause more harm than help because some it can leave scar tissues and further decrease lung function. It makes sense, but I wish we could do more. I really wish I could do more for her. Praise the Lord for keeping momma healthy and for friendly, reassuring doctors.

I know that I should be at peace knowing that mommy's life is in God's hands, but I'm having trouble giving it up to God. Lately, as things have begun to finally settle down, I'm relying less on God and more on myself. The initial fear and desperation is fading and now I'm loosening my grasp on Him. ): It's getting much easier to skip our prayers and bible studies, and my dad no longer prays because I stopped forcing him to join us. So, please pray for us to draw nearer to God and rely fully on Him even though things are more settle. (God, please don't give us anymore bad news to make us scared again.)

My mom's coughing worsened a bit today. I wish there was an explanation for her fluctuating health and I wish we had a personal PET scan machine so we could check on her tumor sizes and location all the time. sigh. Please pray for a PET scan machine for the Tam fam. just kidding. Please pray that He will give us peace that surpasses all understanding so that we don't need to see and know everything to be reassured.

On a brighter note, we are all so, so excited for ricky! His senior prom is tomorrow and he is wearing baby pink(hahahahaha!). But before that, I need to drive my momma to a cancer support group meeting in Chinatown and I'm scared for my life. I really don't like driving in san francisco! so, please pray for my driving!

Thank you for listening! I miss you guys! Go team tam!


  1. heyyyy i love you! any chance of having dinner on sunday with cheuk one last time? (will call you later about it) :)

  2. Still praying Glenda, hope the driving goes well.
